Shimano S-Factor 35ml Tube Online now

From the awesome Squidgies range comes this S-Factor Fish Attractant Scent 35mL Tube. There is nothing worse than standing out in the sun all day waiting for fish to bite and coming home empty handed. Well thanks to Squidgies S-Factor fish-feeding stimulant, you will never have this problem again. Designed to make fish bite like crazy, this combination is sure to make you the envy of all your mates on your next fishing trip. Squidgies S-Factor is an ultra violet enhanced gel that combines attack and feeding triggers tailored specifically to Australian fish. By Rigging a new Squidgies soft plastic to a suitable jig head and adding a smear of this influential gel, you ll have yourself an irresistible deadly lure in no time.
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Berley & Scents Options | S-FACTOR 35ML TUBE BOX |