Instinct Rig Sand Whiting 8# For Cheap

Avoid the potential of losing fish by taking the guesswork out of tying rigs properly. Use this Instinct fishing rig for targeting sand whiting. Complete with two tied #8 long shank hooks and sinker. It consists of two red beads positioned above the hooks to act as attractors. Two snelled #8 long shank hooks and a 22g running sinker make up this rig. This rig is not limited to just catching whiting. it can also be used as a light weight rig for catching many other species. It is equally as effective for light surf fishing or fishing in lakes and rivers. Sand whiting are abundant in most coastal waters of Australia. Their habitat preference is for sand bottoms in and around bays, lakes, harbours and ocean beaches.
Additional Information
Hook Size | #8 |
Number of Hooks in Rig | 2 |